Nuzhat J. Haneef Recognizing the Messiah
Assessing Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qaadiyaan: His Claims, His Views, His Character, and His Movement

Copyright Statement

The copyright of this document, Recognizing the Messiah. Assessing Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qaadiyaan: His Claims, His Views, His Character, and His Movement, is owned by its author, Nuzhat J. Haneef. The author grants limited permission for reproduction and distribution of this document, as follows:

  • This entire document may be reproduced as-is, starting from the title page to the last page, and distributed freely, on condition that the distribution is not-for-profit and that the distributed copy contains this entire document and no other material besides the contents of this document.
  • A selected portion of this document may be reproduced and distributed freely on condition that the distribution is not-for-profit and includes the following pages and sections (along with any other selected pages from this document) but no material other than the contents of this document:
    • Title page (that is, the first page --the cover page).
    • This page, "Copyright Statement".
    • All pages in the "Detailed Table of Contents".
    • All pages in the "Preface".
    • All pages in Chapter 1, "Introduction".
    • All pages in Section 2. 3, "My Current Position Regarding the Movement".
    • All pages in Section 3. 4, "Summary/ Highlights of Examination Findings".
    • All pages in Section 4. 3, "Summary of the Answers".
    • All pages in Section 6. 2, "References".
  • A derivative work may be developed from this document, and distributed as desired by the developer, if the condition stated below is met:

    It must be clear that the derivative work was neither authored nor reviewed nor approved by the author of this document, Nuzhat J. Haneef, nor is the author of this document involved in its distribution. That is, Nuzhat J. Haneef must not be identified as the author or a co-author or a partner of any sort in the derivative work. However, this document (the original work upon which the derivative work is based) may be referenced and quoted from.

    (An example of a derivative work is a translation; another example of a derivative work is a document that adds to or subtracts from this original work.)

In addition to the restrictions and conditions listed above, the author requests that a copy of this document not be introduced with a statement that implies that the author wrote this document after, or in connection with, reverting to, or converting to, or accepting Islaam. (The author considered her religion to be Islaam when she was a member of the Ahmadiyya Movement.)