Nuzhat J. Haneef Recognizing the Messiah
Assessing Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qaadiyaan: His Claims, His Views, His Character, and His Movement


This chapter contains the following sections:

  • 6.1, Selected Sources of Anti-Ahmadiyya Information.

    This lists some of the sources of information that I consulted critiquing the Ahmadiyya Movement; it may be of use to those desiring to study this Movement.

    The list is very short; the two web sites that I have listed provided me enough information for me to proceed with my own study.
  • 6.2, References.

    This contains a table listing all the works that I have referenced (quoted from or just mentioned) in this document. Each entry provides bibliographic description of the work listed; in some cases, additional notes have been included as well.